Frequently Asked Questions



Here are a few of our most frequently asked questions regarding enrolment. Feel free to send us an email to with any others!

What do the fees include? Fees include all meals and snacks, nappies & suncream.

What should we bring? Please bring a spare set of clothes, a wide brimmed hat, and sheets / blanket for rest time. You may also like to bring a comfort item such as a special toy or a photo of your family.

What if my child has a medical condition? We ask all parents to fill out a form detailing any medical conditions on enrolment. If your child has an specific medical requirements, we will arrange a meeting with our Director Melissa, where you can run through these in detail. We pride ourselves on supporting children with a wide range of additional needs.

I have more questions. Great! We would love you to email, call or visit us to run through these. We have an open door policy, which means we welcome you visiting any time, however if you would like to meet with our Director please let us know you're coming so we can book an appointment.